Sunday, January 11, 2009

Filters, Proposal, and Banjo

Today, after a month of sitting in my basement, Mike and I put the filters in my dust collector. This little project was supposed to be done way back in October, but due to some ordering mix- ups, I didn't receive the filters until mid December- and by then I was knee deep in Christmas.

I also got my proposal e-mailed to Lark Books for the 30 Minute Earrings Publication! Wish me luck! I've never applied to anything like this before, so I'm just excited to have the guts to do it.

Last but not least, I got some good banjo practice in today. I practiced Friday and Saturday too. My fingers are sore, but my speed with changing chords has been improving!

This new calendar thing is working out great! I look at it every morning for my general obligations of the day. Then based on that, make a detailed list of things to do. At the end of the day I write my specific accomplishments on the calendar and check them off. It's such a good feeling to be back in regular (and very productive) routine.

Tomorrow, I'll be re-familiarizing myself with my studio. My task for the day is to look at all of the unfinished pieces I intended to have done for Christmas, and put a timeline on them. I get to start working again!

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